Embrace the changes happening in your body by learning how to train alongside them instead of against them

Caring for your body and your mind during pregnancy is essential for enduring the 9 month transition. Finding the time to do so is another challenging piece of the puzzle. Join me as I build up my own mental and physical strength as I approach my second birth through guided workouts, tips for training safely, breathwork to propel you into 4th trimester healing, and an encouraging voice cheering you on.

Pregnancy is NOT easy, but I promise that you’re stronger than you realize.

Every body is different. That fact doesn’t change when you become pregnant, so there is no one way to workout within pregnancy that is a surefire path to stay fit and prepare for birth. With that said, I can say from personal experience that the mental strength needed for birth (and then motherhood) is directly correlated to how you treat your body during the 9+ months of growing your baby.

I want to help women find strength, feel safe, build self-confidence and ultimately support their growing baby as they navigate pregnancy.

The VWK Prenatal Hub is a space to access prenatal specific workouts, physiological breathwork, and simple meditations to help you flourish in pregnancy and postpartum.

Work with your body instead of against it. Embrace the changes that take place during pregnancy by training with gratitude & purpose.

VWK Prenatal Hub workouts focus on supporting your growing body.

Time conscious – all workouts are less than 30 minutes


Specific exercises to help you transition into postpartum recovery and healing



Help increase bodily awareness and connection to muscles that simply don’t work the same during pregnancy

Guided workouts that promote mental and physical strength


Motherhood requires confidence that only you can cultivate, and I’m here to help you do that.

Let’s grow these babies and train together.

Join the VWK Prenatal Hub
