Your Cycle & Nutrition
How can I ensure I am giving my body what it needs in each different phase of the hormonal cycle?
If you haven’t already, please go read up on the four phases of the cycle before diving into this post. You need to have a general understanding of the body’s physical abilities within each phase for the nutritional information to make more sense.
I am going to keep this as simple as I can, so please keep in mind that all of this is based on information that ends up being unique to you — none of it is one size fits all — you still have to do the work to find what is best for you.
Phase One: Follicular Phase |
Add to the heightened energy levels of this phase with fresh, light foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, lettuces, zuchinni, broccoli, arichokes, carrots, avocado, grapefruit, lemon. Lean proteins like chicken, lentils, trout, eggs, split peas, pumpkin & flax seeds, brazil nuts, cashews.
Phase Two: Ovulatory Phase |
Great time for salads with a heavy focus on veggies and fruits for digestion; ideally raw. Bell peppers, brussel sprouts, spinach, eggplant, asparagus. Strawberry, rasberry, fig, coconut, apricot. This helps metabolize flush out estrogen surplus. Lighter grains like quinoa or corn based options will be most easily processed. Proteins like lentils, wild-caught salmon (omega-3 fatty acids), and eggs are effective for supporting the higher intensity exercise during this phase. Dark chocolate during this phase for antioxidant properties…and because yum.
Phase Three: Luteal Phase |
Foods rich in B vitamins can help curb sugar cravings; apples, chickpeas, seafood - wild caught salmon, cod, halibut, flounder- legumes, nutritional yeast. Leafy greens to support calcium and magnesium levels; kale, cabbage, cauliflower, radish, mustard greens. Support liver and large intestines ability to flush out estrogen through consuming roasted vegetables; squashes, potato, sweet potato, pumpkin.
Phase Four: Menstrual Phase |
Nutrient dense foods during this intensely taxing time for your body. Low glycemic fruits and veggies can help stabilize blood sugar; kale, carrots, peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, eggplant, apples, pears, strawberries, lemons, peaches. Support iron maintenance with seafood, meat, and sea veggies; kelp, seaweed, shellfish, sardines, grass-fed beef. Soups and stews with wild rice can help nourish the body during this rest and recovery phase.
Most of us can benefit from adding more magnesium to our diets; via supplement like Calm, or foods like pumkin & chia seeds, spinach, almonds, avocado, broccoli.
Hydration is imperative throughout every phase of the cycle.
Paying attention to how foods make you feel; when you feel your best is your job. These lists are suggestions based on research, but still just suggestions to supplement what already works for you.
Fueling is just as important as training.
Go back to Your Cycle & Training for a clickable list of links for a deeper dive!